領到獎金的第一件事當然就是把家裡缺的 [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 買回來啦~~
而且本姑娘在幾天前就上網做好[104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02相關功課,經過比價之後,決定在這買啦~~~

Interactive free app educates and gets kids excited about brushing Exciting rewards for successful brushing sessions
Keep track of your kids brushing time/frequency via parents section of the app Add rewards to motivate
98 percent of parents say it`s easier to get kids to brush longer and better
Patented sonic technology with 500 strokes per second 75 percent more effective than manual toothbrushes in hard to reach areas for better check-ups guaranteed
Kid timer helps ensure 2minute recommended brushing time, and kid pacer alerts the child to move to the next quadrant of the mouth to ensure a thorough cleaning
Keep kids engaged while they learn how to brush independently. The Philips sonicare for kids bluetooth-enabled toothbrush interacts with a fun and educational app that helps kids brush better and for longer. Kids have fun while learning techniques that will last for a lifetime. Sonicare for kids is safe and gentle on teeth and gingival tissue, while removing more plaque in hard-to-brush areas than a children's manual toothbrush. 98 percent of parents say it`s easier to get kids to brush longer and better
Product Dimensions: 2.5 x 4.4 x 9.6 inches
Shipping Weight: 12 ounces
UPC: 075020051066
Item model number: HX6321/02
Batteries 1 Lithium ion batteries required. (included)


[104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
【羅開新聞中心Minsey Weng綜合報導】Jordan Spieth(喬丹?史畢斯)在Pebble Beach Golf Links(圓石灘濱海球場)大發神威,特別是後九洞推桿熱得發燙,狂抓五記博蒂,週日下午將帶著六桿領先優勢爭奪AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am(圓石灘配對賽)和生涯的第九座美巡賽冠軍,並站上球王攻擊發起線的位置。
這場受到天氣影響行程的賽事,週六早上先進行第二回合補賽,Derek Fathauer(德瑞克?費紹爾)和Jason Day(傑森?戴伊)雙雙擊出六十四桿,和史畢斯同以低於標準桿十桿並列領先,不過十八洞過後,形成史畢斯一枝獨秀的局面。
目前計分榜名列前茅者全都是在圓石灘出發的選手,其中兩度封王的Brandt Snedeker(布蘭特?史尼德克)從第十洞出發,前半場還在高於標準桿一桿,但第二至八洞打出一波六博蒂的攻勢,終場收住六十七桿,以低於標準桿十一桿登上第二,但已經陷入落後六桿的劣勢。
和史畢斯同組的Dustin Johnson(達斯汀?強森),同樣也是愈打愈好,分別為七十、六十九和六十六桿,只是想要挑戰自2009和2010年後的另一勝難度相當高,因為已經差了七桿,和最後也是六十六桿的Kelly Kraft(凱利?奎夫特)並列第三。
Rob Oppenheim(羅伯?歐潘漢姆)則收住六十八桿,以低於標準桿九桿名列第五。
至於轉戰Monterey Peninsula Shore Course(蒙特瑞球場)的費紹爾打出七十三桿,退至低於標準桿八桿的並列第六,族群中還有連兩天六十七桿的西班牙選手Jon Rahm(霍恩?拉姆)。
[104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 推薦, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 討論, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 部落客, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 比較評比, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 使用評比, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 開箱文, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02?推薦, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 評測文, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 CP值, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 評鑑大隊, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 部落客推薦, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 好用嗎?, [104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02 去哪買?
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